SFAA Addressing Proposed Bond Threshold Increase and P3 Pilot Program in Vermont

 SFAA Addressing Proposed Bond Threshold Increase and P3 Pilot Program in Vermont 

SFAA is addressing HB 917, which would increase the bond threshold from $100,000 to $500,000.  As drafted, the bill would have provided for a $1 million bond threshold.  The bill also would provide for a pilot program for the Agency of Transportation to enter into public-private partnerships (P3s) for transportation infrastructure projects.  The state legislature would set the requirements and would have to approve each P3 project, unless the project will have a project lifetime cost that is less than $2 million or the project has been approved in the most recently adopted Transportation Program.  The bill does not specify a bonding requirement for this P3 program.  The program would expire on July 1, 2023.

Members should visit Government Relations / General Info (Members) for more information.

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